
What is a huaico?

March 22nd, 2017

Grade 9 (A and Alpha). Answer the following questions. Don’t forget to cite your sources. Write your name, grade and section.

  1. What is a huaico? Define.
  2. What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? List.
  3. What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.

Command terms:

  • Classify: Arrange or order by class or category.
  • Define: Give the precise meaning of a word, phrase, concept or physical quantity.
  • Describe: Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process.
  • List: Give a sequence of brief answers with no explanation.

36 thoughts on “What is a huaico?”

    1. 1. What is a huaico? Define.
      A huaico is a Peruvian term that refers to a flash flood caused by torrential rains occurring high in the mountains, especially during the weather known as El Niño. [1]
      2. What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? List.
      – Floods
      – Mudslides and stones block the roads
      – It brings death and destruction
      – It destroys the crops
      – So the price of many food increases
      – It contains contaminated water
      – Huaicos take away the home from many people
      3. What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
      1. First and the most important one in my opinion, have on hand, an emergency kit containing the following: flashlight, blankets, change of clothes. Radio, batteries, matches, candles and first aid kit.
      2. Also, if it is a rainy season, it would be perfect to have sacks full of sand next to the houses, to avoid that the huayco flood the home in its passage.
      3. And finally, store in a protected place, water, food, shovels, jars and spikes, verifying from time to time its state.
      [1] “Qué es un huaico y dónde tienden a producirse”, Perú21, Anonymous, 24/03/15 (last reviewed 23/03/17) URL:
      [2] “MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD Y PREVENSIÓN ANTE UN HUAYCO”, Alerta Ambar, Anonymous, 8/11/16 (last reviewed 23/03/17) URL:



    2. A huaico is a flash flood that occurs due to the torrential rains in the high mountains especially during the weather phenomenon EL NIÑO. This causes the rivers to over flood causing damage on vegetation or killing animals and even people.

      -contaminated water
      -brings deseases
      -damage crops
      -extinction of flora

      1. Lots of rainforests such as the San Matias were created to prevent huaicos from damaging vegetation with can help reduce runoff preventing huaicos. More rainforest are necessary to protect Peru’s surface, animals and people. This can also help to avoid loosing crops and vegetation.

      2.It is important to stay away from the river, and building houses near it should be forbidden. While there are houses near the river it is important to know how to evacuate and have a safe place to stay while the Huaico passes.

      3.All families and individuals should have a special kit for this kind of situations. The kit should contain food, water, blankets, a radio, candles, clothes and a first aid kit.


    3. 1.A huaico is a natural desaster that in this times are a problem in Perú, this is provocated by the rain that fall in the mountains and this ocurrs more in El Ñiño time´s.
      – desasters
      – lack of water
      – Rivers get Overflow
      – prices in supermakets increases
      3. Don´t consruct houses in near the mountains.
      grow vegetations in the mountains
      have a reseve of food and water in you house with indispenable things (water, atun, coockies,rice,etc)


    4. 1.What is a huaico? Define. A huaico is a Peruvian term that refers to a flash flood caused by torrential rains occurring high in mountains, especially during the phenomenon “EL NIÑO”
      2.What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? List.
      -polluted water
      -food prices increase
      -homeless people
      -lack of water
      3.What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
      1.Build your house in zones where no huaicos have been registered or in flood areas
      2.Keeping an emergency kit on hand is always the best safety equipment
      3.In caes of rainy season, having sacks full of sand next to the houses to avoid the huaico from flooding the house


    5. 1. What is a huaico? Define.
      A huaico is a peruvian term which refers to a flash flood caused by torrential rains occurring high in the mountains, especially during the weather known as El Niño. [1]

      2. What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? List.[2]
      -it can destroy crops
      -lack of water
      -destroys wildlife
      -blocked roads

      3.What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region?[3]
      Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
      a. I think, that by living in a region, which has a possibility of being affected by a huaico, you should not have a house near a river, and if you know someone who does, alert them of the possible consequences.
      b. It is totally necessary to have a first aid kit, among other important objects, such as water, canned food, blankets, extra clothes, flashlights, and an emergency phone.

      [1] “Qué es un huaico y dónde tienden a producirse”, Perú21, Anonymous, 24/03/15 (last reviewed 23/03/17) URL:
      [2] Corrimiento de tierra en Perú, marzo 2017, Wikipedia, (última revisión: 23/3/17)
      [3].”Medidas de seguridad y prevención ante un huaico”, Noviembre 8 del 2016, Alerta Ambar (Ultima revision: 23/03/17)


  1. 1. A huaico is a big mass of rocks precipitating by an excess of rain in the mountains. This causes an over flood of water, making it fall in rivers that majorly will make the river collapse and water will go off it. If there is a lot of rain the damage will be bigger than if there is no rain or just drops of rain. The over flood water will expand, taking things with it, depending on the quantity and force of the water. [1]

    – Huaicos can and sometimes destroy farms and wildlife
    – Huaicos mostly make mud that when dry turns into dust damaging the environment and health
    – After a huaico there is lots of trash and non-useful stuff.

    A. Cleaning near population rivers form rocks or like objects that could cause a huge damage. Specialist could remove heavy objects from rivers so if over flood occurs there would be less damage, making it safer for the country. Cleansing could be once every year.
    b. Nettings, this netting would hold rocks/heavy stuff that the huaico brings. They will be put in the bottom part of the rivers to lower damages in the near population. Nettings would be made of hard and resistant material to carry the objects Huaicos bring.
    c. Alerting people and prohibit them to make houses/institutions near river flood. If there is no people living or being there the government could have an approx. perimeter of where could the huaico get and only land would be affected, with no need of people having to lose everything they have.

    [1] “HUAICOS”, N.D, Anonymous, Google, (23/03/17),*
    [2] “Huaicos en Chosica: ¿cómo se planea evitar una nueva tragedia?”, 17/02/16, Martin Acosta, (23/03/17),


  2. 1.It is a very large mass of rocks in which the rains come from different heights of the Andes.
    Usually, the huaicos occur in the ravines since there is where all the torrential rains occur.

    A. It is said that Peru could lost 22% of the surface of the glaciers that are in Peru.
    B.There is some danger of extinction of flora in the Amazon by the climatic changes.
    C.Destruction of some road infrastructure.
    D.It is said that in 40 years Peru will have 60% less of the water that today there is.

    A.To plant trees and shrubs so,that it can serve as natural barriers.
    B.Have sacks full of sand next to the houses to avoid different indents.
    C.Be able to have security systems and alarms in the gullies.


  3. 1. A huaico is a term that refers to a flash flood caused by torrential rains occurring high in the mountains, especially during the weather known as “El Niño.” A huaico can also lead to a violent flow of debris, depending on the amount of sediment it brings.
    • Destruction and deterioration of houses and also farmland.
    • Contamination in the air and also all the trash that the the huaico brings stay in the rivers.
    • Destruction of schools and many public places.
    • Build houses far away as posible from the river.
    • Store in a protected place, water, food, shovels, jars and spikes, verifying from time to time their status.
    • Have on hand, an emergency kit containing the following: flashlight, blankets, a change of clothes, radio, batteries, matches and candles.

    1.“¿Qué es un huaico y dónde tienden a producirse?”, Martes 24 de marzo 2015, Perú 21 (ultima revisión: 23/03/17)
    2.“Desastres naturales y su influencia en el medio ambiente”, Junio 2001, Norma Carillo H. y Enrique Guadalupe G., (Ultima revisión: 23/03/17)
    3.”Medidas de seguridad y prevención ante un huaico”, Noviembre 8 del 2016, Alerta Ambar (Ultima revision: 23/03/17)


  4. 1. What is a huaico? [1]
    – A huayco or huaico is a Peruvian term that refers to a flash flood caused by torrential rains occurring high in the mountains, especially during the weather known as El Niño.

    2. What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? [2]
    – Because of the rocks and mud a Huaico has, most of the time the roads are blocked
    – Huaicos can destroy houses, farms and wildlife and that can cause the cut of water and electricity supplies.
    – Huaicos most of the time contaminates the water and that causes diseases, infections, and deaths in animals and people.

    3. What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? [3]
    – Identify evacuation routes and safe areas for floods and landslides
    – Before rain and water, agree with your family and determine a meeting point.
    – Have an emergency backpack containing water, non-perishable food, flashlight, battery operated radio, first aid kit and personal hygiene items on hand.

    [1] Definitions for huayco, 2017, Definitions, (última revisión: 23/3/17)
    [2] Corrimiento de tierra en Perú, marzo 2017, Wikipedia, (última revisión: 23/3/17)
    [3] Tips de prevención ante lluvias y huaicos, según Indeci, Lunes, 20 de marzo del 2017, Gestión, (última revisión: 23/3/17)


  5. What is a “huaico?”
    A huaico is an avalanche of mud and rocks caused by heavy rains that when falling in the rivers, they overflow. This mainly happens because of “El Niño”. [1]

    What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? List
    Ruin crops
    Contaminates water
    Can destroy wildlife

    What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
    Don’t build in places where there has been huaicos before.
    Establish an evacuation route and safe places to go to in case of an emergency.
    Have in hand an emergency kit with a flashlight, blanket, clothe , a radio, batteries, matches, a candle and a first aid kit. [2]

    [1] “Que es un huaico y dónde tienden a producirse?”, March 24, 2015, Peru21, (23/03/17)

    [2] “Medidas de seguridad y prevención ante un huayco”, November 8, 2016, Alerta Ambar, (23/03/17)

    Fabiana Repetto 9A


  6. 1. What is a huaico? Define.
    is a Peruvian term that refers to a flash flood caused by torrential rains occurring high in the mountains, especially during the weather known as El Niño. [1]

    2. What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? List.
    o It destroys crops
    o Leads to destruction
    o Contaminates
    o Brings death of people and wildlife
    o Can bring serious diseases

    3. What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.

    o Build in places where no huaicos have been registered or in flood areas. Try to plant trees and shrubs to serve as natural barriers or in any case take advantage of existing ones.
    o Always have an emergency kit containing the following things: flashlight, blankets, a change of clothes. Radio, batteries, matches, candles and first aid kit.
    o Prepare an emergency telephone directory with important numbers like from civil defense, hospitals, red cross, etc. [2]

    [1] “¿que es un huaico y donde tienden a producirse?”, Tuesday 24th 2015, Peru 21, (last reviewed 23/03/17)
    [2] “¿como preparanos en caso de huaicos?”, November 6th 2011, anonymous, (last reviewed 23/03/17)
    Montserrat Frías 9 A


  7. 1) What is a huaico?
    – Is a huge mass of rocks that torrential rains leave from the heights of the Andes and, when they fall in the rivers, cause the water to overflow.

    2) What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru?
    – Stones and mudslides block the roads
    – Death
    – Destruction and deterioration of houses and also farmland.
    – Contamination in the air and rivers.
    – Destruction of schools and many public places.

    3) What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
    – Store in a communal or protected place, water, food, shovels, jars and spikes, verifying from time to time their status.
    – Establish and disseminate safety zones and evacuation routes. Try to request technical support from your district to find out about the health centers and conduct drills.
    – Have on hand, an emergency kit containing the following: flashlight, blankets, a change of clothes. Radio, batteries, matches, candles and first aid kit.



  8. 1. What is a Huaico? [1]
    It is a very large mass of rocks in which the rains come from different heights of the Andes, caused by torrential rains occurring high in the mountains, especially during the weather known as El Niño.

    2. What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? [2]
    -It contaminate the water and that can cause diseases or infections in humans as animals
    -It block the roads most of the time
    -It destroy houses, schools, farms, wildlife…
    -Price on the food and water increase

    3. What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.[2]

    -Try to not build houses near rivers.
    – Have an emergency backpack containing water, non-perishable food, flashlight, first aid kit and personal hygiene items on hand.
    -Have sacks full of sand next to the houses to avoid different indents.

    [1] Definitions for huayco, 2017, (última revisión: 24/3/17)

    [2] “Medidas de seguridad y prevención ante un huayco”, 2016 Alerta Ambar, (última revisión 24/03/17)


  9. 1.The term “huaico” is mostly used in Peru. It is caused by heavy rains which occurs high in the mountains, mostly during the weather known as “El Niño”. Violent rains causes the mountains to over flood of water, which makes it fall into the rivers, eventually the river collapse. How strong the huaico is will depend on how heavy is the rain, but overall the over flood water will turn into a landslide also. It carries soil, trees, rocks and it can even lead to a flow of debris. [1]
    2.Effects of huaicos: -Destroy part of wildlife and farms. -Damage agriculture/crops -It brings non-potable/ contaminated water. -It takes people houses. -Death. – After the huaico is gone, it leaves non-useful things and trash. -Blocked roads.
    3.Prevention strategies: -Stop building houses near rivers or flooded areas, but since there are people who live near rivers a great option for protection will be for them to plant trees and bushes so if a huaico happens they will serve as natural barriers. , or since it is a rainy season a good idea would be to have sacks full of sand next to the houses, to avoid that the huaico flood the home in its passage. -Have an emergency kit with the following stuff; blankets, candles, a pair of cloth, batteries, matches, lantern, radio, and a first aid kit. – Store in protected/safe place; water, food, shovels, bars, peaks verifying their state from time to time. Bibliography:
    [1] “¿Qué es un huaico y dónde tienden a producirse?” Peru21, Anonymous, (March 21, 2015) accessed March 24, 2017

    Ariana Estremadoyro 9A


  10. 1) What is a huaico? Define.
    -A Peruvian term that attributed to a flash flood caused by teeming rains that take place in the mountains. It mostly occurs during the weather known as El Niño. [1]

    2) What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru?List.
    -The rocks and mud destroy and block the streets
    -It destroys crops and contaminate the water of the rivers.
    -Lots of floods are caused.
    -There is less potable water
    -The accumulated water can bring diseases leading in extreme causes to death.
    -Air contamination
    -Lost in the flora and fauna[2]

    3)What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.

    – Tell and prohibit people to build their houses on inestable land, near rivers, mountains and were there have been huaicos before.
    – Build flexible and wickered barriers so that only water can get through it, leaving the rocks behind.
    – Have ready an emergency kit with medicine, clothes, water, food, matches, flashlights, batteries, radio, and all the essential things.[3]

    [1] Definition of Huayco,2016, Babylon, (24/03/17)

    [2]Desastres Naturales y su Influencia en el Medio Ambiente, 2001,Revista del instituto de investigación de la facultad de geología, minas, metalurgia y ciencias geográficas, (24/03/17)

    [3]Huaycos,desastres y mitigación, M.A.S. Juan.W. Cabrera.C,(24/03/17)


  11. What is a “huaico?”
    A huaico is a Peruvian term that refers to a flood caused by rains occurring in high mountains, a huaico causes avalanches that are formed with mud and rocks mainly.

    What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru?
    – Many roads are blocked
    – Houses are destroyed
    – They also destroy and contaminate the wildlife
    – The crops are ruined

    What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
    1. Build houses in zones where huaicos can’t affect you (avoiding mountains and rivers)
    2. Save supplies like water and food in places that are not affected by the huaicos.
    3. Create safe zones in which you are protected from the huaicos


  12. 1.- A huaico is a peruvian term for a big mass of rocks and mud caused by torrential rains in the top of the mountanis, this phenomenon occurs mostly at the weather known as “El Niño”

    2.- Some of the negative effects are:

    increase of mosquitos making more likely to suffer from Denge or Zika.

    destruction of highways

    Destruction of crops and fertile soil

    Less water and electricity for affected towns

    Destruction and flooding of houses of public buildings

    destruction of hospitals

    overflow of rivers


    1) Build more resistant bridges and highways in caes the river Rimac overflows.

    2) avoid using your car during a huaico, instead go to a high place like a building to avoid being hurt by the rocks and mud.

    3) always have a backpack with allot of bottles of water and as much
    non perishable food as you can in case you are isolated from other towns for a few days.

    Source: and

    Roberto Morales Nalda 9A


  13. What is a huaico:
    Huaico or debris flow, is a geographic phenomenon of moving mass like mud, rocks, water, sand and soil and travels with the force of gravity. The can travel very quickly at about 160km per hour or very slowly at 30 to 60cm each day. For a debris flow to be caused there must be a steep slope, lots of moisture and vegetation. [1]
    What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru?
    Lack of water
    Agriculture is damaged
    Rivers rise [2]
    What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
    Relocating people: people should be relocated to avoid the danger due to constant debris flows.
    Emergency mitigation plan: this includes alarms, giving refugee to the victims, succoring and reconstructing the damaged houses
    Monitoring and alarming network: this network, includes professional analysis, motoring the situation, data collection and alarming of the hazard. [2]

    [1] “What is a Debris Flow?”,, Hobart King, [website], 2001, , accessed 23th March 2017.
    [2] “Characteristics and Prevention of the Debris Flows following Wenchuan Earthquake in Jushui River Basin, An County, China”, Hindawi, Anonymous, [website], 2014, , accessed 24th March 2017.

    Ivana Basurco 9 Alpha


  14. 1)What is a huaico? Define.

    -A Peruvian term that attributed to a flash flood caused by teeming rains that take place in the mountains. It mostly occurs during the weather known as EL Niño. [1]

    2)what are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru?List.
    -The rocks and mud destroy and block the streets
    -It destroys crops and contaminates the water of the rivers.
    -Lots of floods are caused.
    -There is less potable water
    -The accumulated water can bring diseases leading in extreme cases to death.
    -Air contamination
    -Lost in the flora and fauna[2]

    3)What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.

    -Tell and prohibit people from building their houses on inestable land, near rivers, mountains and were there have been huaicos before.
    -Build flexible and wickered barriers so that only water can get through it, leaving the rocks behind.
    -Have ready an emergency kit with medicine, clothes, water, food, matches, flashlights, batteries, radio, and all the essential things.[3]

    [1] Definition of Huayco,2016, Babylon, (24/03/17)

    [2]Desastres Naturales y su Influencia en el Medio Ambiente, 2001,Revista del instituto de investigación de la facultad de geología, minas, metalurgia y ciencias geográficas, (24/03/17)

    [3]Huaycos,desastres y mitigación, M.A.S. Juan.W. Cabrera.C,(24/03/17) URL:


  15. 1. What is a huaico? Define
    A huaico is when big pieces of rock, debris or earth slide down the slope of a mountain. In Peru usually the mudslides happens when “El Niño” comes to the city bringing heavy rains on the top of the mountains causing the rocks to fall.

    2. What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? List.
    One of the environmental effects that Huaico bring is the harm of to the marine animals
    Takes all of the trees and other vegetation with it and there’s no soil left for new plants to grow on.
    Contamination of the air by decomposition of the organic matter
    Brings diseases

    3. What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
    The most important strategy to make is for the government to relocate the people that lives near the edge of the river to a safer place where the floods can’t reach their homes, so next time when the river overflows the un-stable houses won’t be be dragged by the force of the river. So the first thing is to keep people safe.
    Then if the government starts building dams and reservoirs on special points of the rivers then when “El niño” comes again the rivers will be more difficult for the rivers to overflow.
    Have a place to store water, food, shovels, sticks and spikes, verifying from time to time its status.

    [1] “Landslides and mudslides”, ND, bepreparedcalifornia, (last retrieve: 25/03.17) URL:

    [2] “Medidas de seguridad y prevención ante huaico”, November 8 2015, Alerta Ambar, (last retrieve: 25/03/17)

    [3] “Impact of Landslides and Innovative Landslide-Mitigation Measures on the Natural Environment” ND, Geologic Hazards Team, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A, (last retrieve: 25/03/17)

    Fátima Lozano 9A


  16. What is a huaico?
    A huaico is a flash and violent flood that later gets mixed with mud and big rocks, due to the torrential rains that come from high in the mountains. When this reaches rivers, they overflow. A huaico is more likely to happen during the weather known as El Niño. This is a term frequently used in Peru.

    What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru?
    -Lack of water supply due to more contaminated water.
    -Destruction of houses, crops, wildlife, etc.
    -Roads blocked.
    -Less food available and higher prices.
    -Diseases and deaths.

    What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region?
    1. You need to have an emergency kit. Inside there should be water, non-perishable food, a radio that works with batteries, a flashlight, a first aid kit and personal hygiene items.
    2. You should not build your house in places where there had been huaicos before, because they are more susceptible to happen again, or in a zone that is near a river.
    3. Identify the best evacuation routes and safety zones.

    [1] Perú 21, “¿Que es un huaico y donde tienden a producirse?”, 2015,, (last checked 25/03/17)
    [2] RPP, “¿Por qué ocurren los huaicos y qué hacer cuando cae uno?”, 2017,, (last checked 25/03/17)
    [3] Gestión, “Tips de prevención ante lluvias y huaicos, según Indeci”, 2017,, (last checked 25/03/17)


  17. 1. What is a huaico?
    A huaico is the increment of mud made by the heavy rains falls into the basins making the water of rivers to overflood. It is vey common in Peru and huaicos are likely to happen in the jungle. [1]
    2. What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru?
    Pollution of water and soil
    Destruction of flora and fauna
    Affects people’s home
    Crops are damaged[1]
    3. What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
    Store some food, water, in a safe place and check it sometimes. In addition, have an emergency kit where you have clothes and medicins
    Establish routes of evacuation and safe places. People around must know about them. For establishing the routes of evacuation, you can have help of Defensa Civil.
    Establish a system of surveillance near the rivers, and have an alarm to alert others that there can be a huaico (a bell or something that makes a lot of noise)[2]

    [1] “Huaicos”, Blogspot, Anonymus [website], 2010,, accessed 25th March 2017
    [2] “Medidas de seguridad y prevención ante un huaico” , Alerta Ambar, Anonymus [website], 2016,, accessed 25th March 2017.

    Fernando Martínez
    9 Alpha


  18. 1.What is a huaico? Define.
    Is a Peruvian term that refers to a flash flood caused by torrential rains occurring high in the mountains, especially during the weather known as El Niño. It brings mud, trash, and even heavy rocks along with the water and that causes a lot of destruction.
    2.What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? List.
    -Loss of crops and agriculture
    -Destruction of environments
    -Contamination in several areas such as the ocean.
    3.What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
    -Do not build houses near a river or posible huaico area. People should be aware of the consequences it has. – Have everything prepared in case of a posible huaico emergency, such as a first aid kit, an evacuation routine that includes a special alarm to alert everybody, and water and food supplies. – Teach children and elders to respect our resources and environment, so they could be aware of what is a huaico and the consequences it has on our resources and community.


    [1] Definitions for huayco, 2017, (last view: 25/3/17)
    [2] “Alerta Ambar”: Medidas de seguridad y prevención ante un huayco,( last view 25/03/17)

    Flavia Suito
    9 Alpha


  19. What is a huaico?
    The term huaico means water, mud and stones mixed that when falling into rivers causes their overflow.
    What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru?
    – Destruction of homes and farmlands
    -Death of people, animals and
    What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region?Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
    -Drains on the floor in case of raining at night or raining abundantly for avoiding inundations.[1]
    -Siren warning system to alert residents and travelers of an imminent danger. [2]
    -Have emergency backpacks containing medicine, water, food and clothes.

    [1] Qué hacer en caso de huaicos o fuertes lluvias?, La Prensa, 2015. , accessed 26th March 2017.
    [2] What should I do in case of a Huaico?, Panorama B&B, 2014. , accessed 26th March 2017

    Rocío Ramírez
    9 A


  20. Fatima Huaman 9 alpha
    What is a huaico? Define.
    Huaico is a term that refers to a flash flood caused by abundant rains happening in the mountains, especially during the weather known as El Niño.

    What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? List.
    A huaico drags trash and debris through where it goes. Contaminating the environment.
    Animals an are dragged along with these
    Plants are destroyed because of the force and the debris a huaico has
    Houses are dragged away
    People get trapped in he huaico and end up drastically hurt or killed.

    What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
    People in the most affected areas are to be relocated to a place of less exposure so that they can carry on which their lives and be out of the dangerous areas. Moving the houses and stores to places outside of the most exposed areas will prevent mass destruction and will keep the people safe.
    Build a canal that takes the water towards the sea so when heavy rains occur, the rives won’t overflow and therefor, there wont be floods. Bridges should also be properly anchored to the ground so if the canal system fails, the destruction will be minimum.
    Create an efficient alert system though which people will be able to get to safety before the huaico hits. This way we can ensure safety and we could have enough time to think of strategies to rebuild and ways to protect whatever we can before disaster happens.


    1] Wikipedia, Huayco, 20 March 2017,


  21. 1 What is a huaico? Define.
    Is a flash flood caused by torrential rains occurring high in the mountains, especially during the weather known as El Niño.

    2 What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? List.
    – Deaths
    – Damage crops
    – Contaminates
    – Destruction of public places and houses

    3 What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
    – Stay away from a river or a place that you know there can be a huaico.
    – The president can do river channels, so when it rains all the water are going to the ocean and it is not going to destroy schools and houses.
    – Prepare an emergency kit with food, clothes, radio, candles, etc.


  22. What is a huaico? Define.

    A huaico is the movement of rock, debris or earth down a slope, a huaico can be caused naturally or also by the human activity, but mainly because of the heavy rain that occur in the mountains, because the rain causes the water levels to rise.

    What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? List.

    – Huaicos can end with the wildlife and even humans
    – Huaicos can destroy the crops being farmed
    – Diseases because of the dust the huaico leaves when it ends
    – Destruction of houses and places

    What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.

    1.- Huaico disasters can be prevented by building a tall wall across the river to prevent the overflooding caused by the heavy rains just like Ecuador did, and it is a country which rains all the year.

    2.- Allocate your home in an area that is not near the river or mountains to prevent huaicos affect you.

    3.- Have an emergency kit that includes food, water and needed resources in case of a huaico.


    1. PPK sobre prevención de huaicos, La República, March 24, 2017

    2. What is a landslide?, ScienceBuddies,February 6, 2014,

    Amin Hamida 9 alpha


  23. 1) What is a huaico?
    A huaico is a Peruvian term used to describe a landslide or mudslide produced by heavy torrential rains in mountains and highlands [1]
    2) What are the negative environmental effects of huaicos in Peru?
    -They bring destruction to many towns and farms which are scattered all over the country
    -They destroy roads and highways which are used to transport food and other goods in and out of different cities and towns
    -They can also affect many kinds of constructions and structurally damage them causing massive amounts of debris and other things to be left in rivers or fertile land
    -The residue after it dries is a kind of dust which can affect the health of everyone exposed to it
    3) Prevention Strategies
    Order of importance:
    2. Relocation of people to better areas where they will be safe
    1. Provide people with land and new areas to settle where they can farm, and raise animals etc.
    1. Educate people on these disasters and how to deal with them
    2. Teach all people how to help and provide aid
    1. Use more government funds (Tax payer’s money etc.) towards better infrastructure, roads and towns
    2. Relocate funds and invest in new technology for example in energy so that we don’t just depend on hydroelectric plants etc.

    [1] Definitions for huaico, 2017, (Last Visited: 23/3/17)
    [2] “Que es un huaico y dónde tienden a producirse?”, March 24, 2015, Peru21, (Last Visited: 23/03/17)


  24. A) What is a huaico?

    The huaicos are slides of water mud and stones that appear when there are heavy rains but it presents more with the phenomenon “El nino”. It destroys what is in its way such as forest, houses, etc, and it leaves a lot of amount of mud in everywhere.The huaicos make people to lost their lives and everything they have because the mud reaches like 3/4 of their houses.

    B) What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru?

    – Pollutes or contaminates the environment
    – Some animals have lost their home
    -Many people do not have houses and resources to live like water, food, clothes, etc.
    -People and animals die drowned or with the impact of the things that are mixed with the mud
    -The crops may damage
    -People with low defenses may get sick but especially on children
    -Water source can’t be provide to the people
    -Peru’s economy decreases
    -People cannot transport and the freeways or the access for cars

    C) What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.

    1. The government should make an announcement or simulacrum for all the people because by this way, people can be informed and they know what to do in case of a huaico. Also the government need to tell the people who come to Lima to get a better living conditions that they can’t build their houses near a huaico fall or where there is a big mountain and make like a way or a canal that cannot be sent to seas or oceans because animals may damage cause there are a lot of garbage that could be toxic for them because less people are damaged and there would be fewer lives lost.

    2. That people become aware and contaminate less because the waste that every people throws every year, causes the ozone layer to become thinner and the radiation gets stronger and stronger causing the sea to evaporate and have heavy rains that leads to huaicos.

    3. Always have an emergency bagpack that can contain food, clothes, medicine, and especially water because is better to be prepared and nobody wants to be without resources to live.

    [1] Valderrama,p., que son los huaicos, altavoz, 23-01-17 (Last retrieved: Monday 27 March, 2017)


  25. 1. What is a huaico? Define.
    – A huaico is the displacement of rocks from the mountains by heavy rains falling into rivers or streams creating a displacement of mud. For the kilometers that the huaico travels, it takes things in his way, drags them and could completely destroy them.

    2. What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? List.
    – Huaicos can destroy homes, farms, roads, etc.
    – After the mud from the huaicos dry, it becomes a very thin and dangerous powder that gives eye diseases, lung diseases and others.

    3. What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
    1. Have an emergency backpack with basics in case of a natural disaster with: radio w/ batteries, a first aid kit, candles and matches, etc.
    2. Design and create water channel to help the huaico flow away from the inhabited areas.
    3. Establish evacuation routes for you and your neighbors to follow.



  26. 1. What is a huaico? Define.
    – A huaico is a Peruvian term that refers to a flash flood caused by torrential rains that happen high in the mountains, especially during the weather phenomenom known as El Niño.
    2. What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? List.
    – Floods
    – It brings many deseases, especially to kids and the elders
    – Mudslides and stones block the roads
    – It eradicates the crops
    – The price of many foods increases
    3. What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.
    1) Move people that are in dangerous zones. (Houses near the hills or rivers)
    2) Stop polluting (Especially rivers) since it makes the atmosphere hotter including the Pacific Ocean which warms up the air flow and it will later result in Seaside Valleys having much more humidity than normal, and it will form a Huaico.
    3) Store in a safe place, water, food, clothes, boots, mosquito repellent, sunblock and equipment like shovels to remove some parts of mud.

    Matias Nava 9 Alpha


  27. 1. What is a huaico? Define
    The term “huaico” is frequently used in Peru to describe the avalanches and landslides caused by torrential rains or in some cases by overflowed rivers, which can cause these avalanches. Huaicos usually happen high in the mountains, during the weather phenomenon called “El Niño” damaging all type of things that are established there. [1]

    2. What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru? List.
    – It causes deaths and destruction of all what is around it
    – It causes floods
    – Mudslides and rocks blocking transport
    – It destroys all type of vegetation, crops, farms, etc.
    – Because of the last thing mentioned, the price of a lot of food increases
    – It damages the business of fishing
    – It contaminates water [2]

    3. 1. First, as most of us have lived this situation during the past week, it is important to gather water, food and all these types of goods that can help us during a situation in which prices are to high and water is contaminated, people should keep these reserves in their basements or in a safe place

    2. For people who lives near to the areas where a huaico can occur, it would be great to have a natural shield or barrier that can help a little bit with the aspect of water and mud entering into their houses and damaging their homes

    3. It is also important to have a professional emergency kit, where you have almost all thing you would have in an hospital in the emergency room, this is in case someone gets hurt or starts to feel bad.

    [1] “Qué es un huaico y dónde tienden a producirse”, Perú21, Anonymous, 2015, (last reviewed 28/03/17)

    [2] “Va a haber claramente un impacto negativo en otros sectores económicos tras los huaicos”, Perú21, Bruno Giuffra, 2017 (Last reviewed 28/03/17)


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  29. 1. What is a huaico?
    A combination of mud, earth and water that generate an avalanche. All this avalanche is produced by the large amount of rain that happend in that zone. The more it rain and harder the huaico will be bigger and more destructive.

    2. What are the negative environmental impacts of huaicos in Peru?

    -Floods all over towns and cities
    -They destroy buildings, parks, structures, car, etc
    -The water it brings start to rot and that bring diseases
    -They destroy the economy of the affected zone
    -It destroys every plant and kills most of the animals of the zone

    3. What prevention strategies could be applied to diminish the impact of huaicos in Lima region? Describe three prevention strategies and classify them according to their importance.

    A. Most of the time the huaicos cannot be prevent for example when the zone is affected by “El niño”. But the damages could be reduce by building barriers around the mountains, hills,etc. To prevent big rocks to destroy structures

    B. The goverment needs to see where could a huaico happen and create a canal to make a safe way to redirect the huaico to the sea.

    C. The goberment needs to be prepared to rescue people from floods, send food and water all arround Perú, send medics to check the people affected and they need to have places where the affected people could life for a while.


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